
Bacillus subtilus was found in Mars Chocolate Drinks

dangerous bacteria
bacterium causes brief but intens food poisoning

Bacillus subtilis

  • General information

    • B.licheniformis, B. amyloliquefaciens, B.subtilis and B.pumilus comprise the subtilis group, which has been associated with food borne gastro-enteritis

      Family: Bacillaceae

      Natural habitats
      Spores are widely distributed in nature.

      Clinical significance:
      Bacillus subtilis is generally non-pathogenic, it can occasionally be associated with opportunistic infections, particularly in immunocompromised individuals.
      It is also used in biotechnology for the production of enzymes and antibiotics.
      However, in rare cases, it can cause wound infections, bacteremia, or respiratory infections in vulnerable patients.

  • Gram stain

    • Large Gram positive (variable) rods.

      0.7-0.8 x 2.0-3.0 µm

      Spore shape: ellipsoidal / cylindrical
      Spore position: central, paracentral or sometimes subterminal
      Sporangia swelling: negative

  • Culture characteristics

    • Obligate aerobic

      BA: colonial morphology is large, flat, dull, frosted glass appearance, blistering after drying folding, can be β-hemolytic and may become cream colored or brown.

      Colonial morphology is variable, within and between strains and may give the appearance of a mixed culture.

      Pigments varying from cream to yellow, orange, pink and red, to brown or black (media with glucose)

      BBAØ: no growth

      Bacillus subtilis were inoculated at the center of a dish with gelose containing nutrients.
      The bacteria start mass-migrating outwards about twelve hours after inoculation, forming dendrites which reach the border of the dish (diameter 90mm) within a few hours. Two days after inoculation the number of bacteria has increased so much that they diffuse light significantly and appear white.

  • Characteristics

  • References

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