Family: Bacillaceae
Genus: Niallia circulans
Formely: Bacillus circulans
Natural habitats
Spores are numerous in soil.
Clinical significance
Usually considered nonpathogenic for humans but may cause wound infections, bacteremia, septicaemia, abscesses and rarely meningitis.
Gram positive,(variable) rods with spores
0.5-0.8 x 2.0-4.2 µm
Spore shape: ellipsoidal
Spore position: subterminal, terminal
Sporangia swelling: positive
Facultative anaerobic
BA: colonies are large, white gray, smooth and on the edge a translucent surface.
The edges are irregular and the colonies can be ß-hemolytic.
13 % of the strains have migrant micro colonies and spreads actively.
They typically have a rhizoid colony.
BBAØ: growth
James Versalovic et al.(2011) Manual of Clinical Microbiology 10th Edition
Karen C. Carrol et al (2019) Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 12th Edition