
Cellulosimicrobium cellulans

  • General information

    • Formerly known as Oerskovia xanthineolytica

      Family: Promicromonosporaceae
      Former name: Oerskovia xanthineolytica

      Natural habitats
      The environment like the soil, water, decaying plant material.

      Clinical significance
      Rarely cause human infections.

      Infections mainly occur in immunocompromised patients and very often associated with a foreign body.

  • Gram stain

    • Gram positive rods,

      highly branched, pleomorphic and filamentous.

      After a long incubation period, they fragment into coccoid rods

      Older cultures decolorize easier.

      Gram positive rods, pleomorphic, filamentous and branching.

      Gram positive rods, more coccoid rods

      Upon reduction of available food (carbohydrates) the rods are even shorter or coccoid

      Kinyoun: negative

  • Culture characteristics

    • Facultative anaerobic

      5% CO2 enhanced growth

      BA: colonies are not hemolytic, pale yellow to phosphorous yellow, convex, and creamy, they penetrate into the agar (“substrate hyphae”) and are 1-2 mm after 24h.
      After 5-7 days, the colonies became fringed

      Substrate hyphae: positive (after 5-7 days)

      Aerial hyphae: negative

      BBAØ: growth

      Some strains are obligate aerobic

  • Characteristics

  • References

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