
Arcobacter butzleri (Aliarcobacter butzleri)

  • General information

    • the following information is not yet verified
      Family: Campylobacteriaceae
      Formely: Arcobacter ► human infections
      Genus: Aliarcobacter butzleri
      - A. butzleri
      - A. cryaerophilus

      Natural habitats
      In the intestinal tract of animals.
      Man is infected by direct contact with infected animals or by consumption of contaminated water or food, especially bovine and porcine.

      Clinical significance
      A. butzleri has been isolated from patents with bacteremia, endocarditis, peritonitis, and diarrhea.
      A. cryaerophilus isolated from patients with diarrhea and maybe underrecognized if appropriate culture conditions are not used.

  • Gram stain

    • the following information is not yet verified
      Gram negative curved, S-shaped, spiral rods or helical

      1-3 x 0.2-0.9 µm

      Rods may form spherical or coccoid bodies in old cultures or cultures exposed to air for prolonged periods.

  • Culture characteristics

    • the following information is not yet verified


      BA: colonies may be low, flat, grayish, finely granular, and translucent appearance with an irregular edge, and a tendency to swarm and merge or may be round, 1-2 mm diameter, raised, convex, smooth, shiny, with an entire, translucent edge and a darker, opaque center.

      Usually weakly α-hemolytic.

      Butzler agar = Campylobacter Selective Agar
      After 24-48 hours flat, moist and shiny colonies.
      In the thick areas inoculated colonies get a metallic gray blue tint.
      They are able to swarm on the culture medium in part or sometimes in whole.
      Sometimes round colonies with smooth edges, shiny and with a diameter of 2-3 mm.

      CCDA agar = Campylobacter Blood-Free Selective Medium
      Same as Butzler

      anaeroob/35-37ºC: growth

  • Characteristics

  • References

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