Clostridium sporogenes

  • General information

    • the following information is not yet verified
      Family: Clostridiaceae

      Natural habitats
      Ubiquitous in nature. Isolated from soil, marine and fresh water lake sediment, preserved meat and dairy products and in feces

      Clinical significance.
      Infections in humans including bacteremia, infective endocarditis, central nervous system and pleura pulmonary infections, abscesses, war wounds and other pyogenic infections.

      Although C. sporogenes is isolated from infections, these infections are usually polymicrobial and the roll, if any, of this species as a pathogen in such infections has not been established

  • Gram stain

    • the following information is not yet verified
      Gram positive, straight rods,

      0.3-1.4 x 1.3-16.0 µm,

      occur singly and many free oval spores

      Spores oval / subterminal
      Swelling of the cell positive

  • Culture characteristics

    • the following information is not yet verified

      Obligate anaerobic

      BBAØ: colonies are 2-6 mm in diameter, usually beta-hemolytic, circular to irregular and a coarse rhizoid margin, semiopaque/opaque, have a raised yellowish-gray center and a flattened periphery compsed of entangled filaments (“medusa head” colony), matt surface, firmly adherent to the agar and possible swarming.

  • Characteristics

  • References

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