
Clostridium tertium

  • General information

    • the following information is not yet verified
      Family: Clostridiaceae

      Natural habitats
      Found in soil and gut of humans and other animals

      Clinical significance.
      Is considered to be a weak pathogen, but it has been implicated in severe infections, and has been increasingly recognized as a cause of bacteremia and other infections in immunocompromised patients, especially those with hematologic malignancies.

  • Gram stain

    • the following information is not yet verified
      Gram positive straight rods (Gram negative stained),

      0.5-1.4 x 1.5-10.2 µm,

      occurring singly or in pairs

      Only forms spores under anaerobic conditions

      Spores oval / terminal
      Swelling of the cell positive

  • Culture characteristics

    • the following information is not yet verified

      Obligate anaerobic ►AEROTOLERANT

      BBAØ: colonies are 2-4 mm in diameter, circular, low convex, have slightly irregular margins, are white to gray and have a matt surface and usually a mottled or granular internal structure.

      Hemolysis is variable and when present, colonies may be alpha- or beta-hemolytic.

      BA (aeroob) growth: colonies are 1 mm, circular with entire edges, are dome shaped and have an opalescent appearances.

      Colonies in agar are small and lenticular

  • Characteristics

  • References

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