
Finegoldia magna

  • General information

    • the following information is not yet verified
      Family: Peptostreptococcaceae
      Formerly Peptostreptococcus magnus

      Natural habitats
      Gram positive anaerobic cocci are part of the normal microbiota of the mouth, upper respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, female genitourinary system and skin.

      Gram positive anaerobic cocci constitute 1-15% of the normal oral micobiota.
      P. micros is usually considered to be the predominant species of gram-positive anaerobic cocci in the oral micribiota and
      P. anaerobius and Finegoldia magna are also present in the oral cavity.

      F. magna and A. prevotii are also common in the gastrointestinal tract.
      F. magna is most frequently identified on the microbiota of the skin.

      Clinical significance
      Most infections involving anaerobic cocci ar polymicrobial.
      F. magna is the most pathogenic and one of the most frequently isolated gram-positive anaerobic coccal found in human clinical specimens.

      Also isolation in pure culture.

  • Gram stain

    • the following information is not yet verified
      Gram positive cocci,

      >0.6 µm,

      lying in pairs, tetrads, or clusters

  • Culture characteristics

    • the following information is not yet verified

      Obligate anaerobic

      BBAØ: small colonies, (<1.0mm), often with variation in size and colour.
      Colonies Maybe both convex and whitish and flatter and translucent on the same plate.

  • Characteristics

  • References

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